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TheraSIP™ RocketSIP

RocketSIP #2970011161
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Product Highlights

  • Improves lip and cheek strength in children
  • Encourages proper tongue position for swallowing
  • Excellent addition to a comprehensive oral motor therapy program

Product Details

More About This Product

TheraSIP™ RocketSIP is a fun, challenging oral exercise tool for improving lip and cheek strength in children. Improved lip strength helps manage saliva leakage and aid with myofunctional therapy goals by creating and maintaining a healthy orofacial alignment. Improved cheek strength allows better control of solid foods when chewing. Includes three different sized straws to increase difficulty, three curly straws for reinforcement, and lip guard. Can be filled with water or flavored beverages. Straw toppers may vary in style.

Clean using an ear syringe and soapy water.

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