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The Source® for Pediatric Dysphagia, Second Edition Nancy B. Swigert This second edition contains significant updates in the treatment of pediatric dysphagia, with new information on the evaluation and treatment of behavioral feeding disorders. Updated and expanded evaluation tools and goals help organize treatment. The content includes anatomy and physiology—nutritive vs. non-nutritive suckling, reflexes and what they mean, normal development of feeding and self-feeding skills; clinical evaluation—differential diagnosis of feeding disorders, completing a case history, example evaluations; instrumentation—administration and analyses of FEES and MBS, radiation safety, monitoring of the infant’s/child’s response; treatment—treatment of problems associated with abnormal tone, sensation, and motor learning; behavior-based dysphagia; children who are NPO; managing dysphagia in the school setting—establishing a dysphagia team, reimbursement, developing IEPs and individual health services plans; and treatment of infants—facilitating infant response, understanding distress signals and state of alertness, breastfeeding. The book includes an additional 51 printable pages of therapy tools and handouts.
177 pages, softcover.