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Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, 4th Ed. By Nancy A. Martin and Rick Brownell Totally updated in norms, images, word lists and sequences, this is an individually administered, norm-referenced assessment of how well a child (age 2 and up) can match a word that is heard (in English) to objects, actions, or concepts presented in full-color pictures. This multiple-choice format test consist of 190 items presented in developmental sequence of concepts reflected in home, school or media. Age-related starting points and ceilings (set number of errors) ensure that only a subset of items (the critical range) is administered. Test is untimed but can be administered in about 20 minutes. Scoring is easy and takes about 5 minutes with raw scores reported as standard score, percentile ranks, and age equivalents.
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test - Spanish-Bilingual Edition can be administered in either Spanish or English or both languages, and the client is given the opportunity to respond in either language.
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test Kit (ROWPVT-4) contains examiner's manual, test plates and 25 record forms.