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Made to Order Positioner Quote Request

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Shape Options

Positioners are available in the following shapes: all shapes
Specialized shapes are also available based On your designs and specifications.
** Available in Polyfoam or High Density Polyfoam only. Uncovered and upholstered cylinders available in 4.5 inch, 6 inch and 10 inch diameters and up to 24 inches Long. High density discs in 4.5 inch, 6 inch and 10 inch diameters; Upholstered polyfoam discs in any diameter.

Foam Options

Polyfoam Compares to a standard furniture seat cushion with moderate compression.
High Density Polyfoam Dense & firm foam with minimal compression. This is the standard foam used for most medical positioners.
T-foam Lightweight, rigid, polyethylene based foam designed to be simultaneously firm, supportive, and resilient. Virtually no compression, only used in short procedures.

Cover/Coating Options

Uncovered uncovered Disposable, not recommended for re-use.
Upholstered black conductive vinyl Black Conductive Vinyl
Conductive vinyl is slip-resistant, durable, water-resistant and bacteriostatic. This covering is typically used to cover polyfoam pads such as surgical positioners.
blue vinyl Blue Vinyl
Standard for radiography, it is non-allergenic, water resistant, bacteria/fungal resistant with a malodor protection.

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