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AliMed ONE® Wireless Fall Monitoring System

Frequently Asked Questions

See below for answers to commonly asked questions you may have during setup or operation of your system.

Component Functionality and Pairing

1. Does the Alarm Base have a silent mode?
Yes. The Alarm Base can be set to silent and will only sound at the Nurses’ station (when connected to the nurse call system) and/or at the Hall Alert (if installed) so the alarm noise does not disturb patients in their room.

2. Does a nurse call cable come with the Alarm Base?
Yes. The Alarm Base comes with an integral 1-foot nurse call cable that connects directly to the nurse call jack in the patient’s room.

3. Can I buy additional nurse call cords for the Alarm Base?
No. The nurse call cord is integral and permanently attached to the Alarm Base.

4. Can the Hall Alert reset the Alarm Base?
Yes. When the Alarm Base sounds, press the RESET button on the Hall Alert to reset the system to active.

5. How far apart can the Alarm Base be from the Hall Alert?
The approximate wireless transmission range (in open field) is 150 feet.

6. How are the Alarm Base and Hall Alert mounted to the wall?
The Alarm Base and Hall Alert attach to the wall using the included wall mounts. All mounting hardware is included.

7. What do I do if the Alarm Base will not pair with the transmitter?
• Ensure you are not trying to pair two alarm systems simultaneously in the same room as they can interfere with one another.
• Try clearing the paired channel by opening the battery compartment on the Alarm Base and pressing the “Clear Channels” button. Then re-pair the Transmitter.
• If you are trying to pair multiple devices, pair one at a time. Once a device is paired, it must be moved out of pairing range from the Alarm Base (minimum 3 inches) before pairing the next device.
• If you’re still experiencing issues, please call Customer Service at 800-225-2610 for assistance.

8. Should the Transmitter be paired with the Alarm Base before it is connected to the Sensor Pad?
Yes. Pair the Transmitter to the Alarm Base BEFORE connecting it to a Sensor Pad.

9. How far apart can the Sensor Pad Transmitter be from the Alarm Base?
Standard patient room distance.
Note: This is an in-room system and therefore it is not recommended for monitoring patient movement in hallways or common areas.

10. Do I have to replace the Alarm Base when I replace the Transmitter?
No. You do not need to replace the Alarm Base. You will only need to replace the 3 AAA batteries when the “Low Battery” indicator is lit. The Transmitter has a non-replaceable internal battery with a two-year life span under typical usage. If the “Change Transmitter” indicator is lit, the Transmitter needs to be replaced. Reorder Transmitter.

11. Is there a delay setting to move the patient off a Sensor Pad without the Alarm Base sounding?
Yes. The Transmitter features a delay setting that can be adjusted based on user preference. Delay setting options are 0 Seconds, 2 Seconds, and 4 Seconds. The standard setting is 0 Seconds (no delay). Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions included with the device to set the desired delay. Additionally, pressing the HOLD button on the Alarm Base or Hall Alert places the System on hold for 30 seconds to allow time to move a patient or adjust a sensor pad.

12. Which Sensor Pads are compatible with the AliMed ONE System?
Only AliMed ONE Wireless Bed and Chair Sensor Pads are compatible with the system. View all options. Sensor Pads are available in 30-day, 6-month, or 1-Year Warranties.
Note: Each Sensor Pad requires a Wireless Sensor Pad Transmitter (#713818) to operate.

13. Can Sensor Pads be used for more than one patient?
No. Sensor Pads are intended for single-patient use only.

14. What is the minimum/maximum patient weight for each Sensor Pad?
Patients must weigh at least 60 lbs. to activate the pressure-sensitive Sensor Pad; there is no maximum weight.

15. Are there HCPCS codes associated with the AliMed ONE System for billing purposes?
No. AliMed does not publish HCSPC codes for fall alarms. 

Safety, Storage, and Warranty

1. Do the Bed or Chair Sensor Pads contain latex?
No. Sensor Pads do not contain natural rubber latex.

2. From what material are the Bed and Chair Sensor Pads made?
Sensor Pads are made of a 0.45-mm thick blue vinyl and are antimicrobial for infection control.

3. Are the Bed and Chair Sensor Pads foldable for storage?
Always store pressure Sensor Pads flat. Chair Sensor Pads should not be folded. Bed Sensor Pads with a marked crease may be folded on the crease for storage.
Note: Sharply bending or folding a pad anywhere but on a marked crease will cause irreparable damage.

4. What are the storage requirements for AliMed ONE System components?
Follow standard protocols for storage under typical warehouse conditions (-25º-70ºC, 0%-95% Humidity, 700-1060 hPa).

5. What is the warranty for AliMed ONE System components?
Alarm Base, Hall Alert, and Sensor Pad Transmitter: Limited Warranty, product will be free from defects of workmanship and manufacturing for a period of 1 year from date of sale.
Sensor Pads: Sensor Pads have a useable life of 30 Days, 6 Months, or 1 Year as indicated on the pad from the recorded date of first use.

Component Setup Requirements and Care

1. Is Wi-Fi required to operate the AliMed ONE System?
No. The System does not require Wi-Fi to operate.

2. Is AliMed ONE compatible with Bluetooth?
No. AliMed ONE is not Bluetooth-compatible.

3. On what frequency does the AliMed ONE System operate?
AliMed ONE operates on radio frequency and has a low-power transmitter that receives and operates in the 2.4 GHz band with farro 1 MHz channels.

4. Are batteries included with the AliMed ONE System components?
Batteries are not included with the Alarm Base or the Hall Alert. The Transmitter includes a non-replaceable internal battery.

5. Which types of batteries are required for each component?
• Alarm Base: (3) AA
• Hall Alert: (3) AA

6. What is the battery life for each AliMed ONE System component?
• Alarm Base and Hall Alert with standard AA batteries: 4-months under typical usage. Change battery when “Low Battery” indicator is lit.
• Sensor Pad Transmitter: 2 years under typical usage. Replace Transmitter when “Change Transmitter” indicator is lit.

7. How will I know when an AliMed ONE System component’s battery is low?
• The Alarm Base and Hall Alert have “Low Battery” indicators on the fronts of the unit. The indicators will light when batteries are low and ready for replacement.
• The Transmitter has a “Change Transmitter” indicator on the front of the unit. The indicator will light when the Transmitter needs replacing.

8. Can I change the battery on the Sensor Pad Transmitter?
No. The transmitter has a non-replaceable internal battery. If the “Change Transmitter” indicator is lit, the Transmitter needs to be replaced.

9. How do I clean the AliMed ONE System components?
All components can be wiped clean with a soft, non-abrasive cloth using a 1:10 bleach solution (contains 0.5% chlorine concentration) or follow your facility’s cleaning protocol.
Note: Do not immerse components in fluid.

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