AliMed® ACCU-DRAW™ Vial Holder Video
AliMed® ACCU-DRAW™ Vial Holder Needle stick injuries from medication draws can be dangerous, whether when self-drawing or having other staff hold the vial. Our unique ACCU-DRAW Vial Holder allows for secure, hands-free access to multiple vials at once, keeping clinicians' hands out of the "needle danger zone" and avoiding punctured fingers. The durable plastic holder features 3 slots for multi-dose vials and 4 slots for single-dose vials, which securely click and lock into place at the optimal angle for complete emptying, helping to reduce medication waste. Available with IV Pole Clamp for any O.R. post or Mayo Stand Clamp for use on trays or table surfaces. Also available with MR-safe construction.