More About This Product
NickelPlast-S improves the quality and durability of your PTB inserts. Count on fewer repairs, call-backs, and emergency phone calls from patients who may damage their insert.
In an article on PTB inserts, co-authors Kays and Scott report, "In our opinion, Kemblo and PE LITE, the materials of choice in the past, do not satisfactorily meet the (integrity and fabrication) criteria... Nickel-Plast-S.. comes closest to fitting our needs.*
The higher EVA content of NickelPlast-S gives it extra resilience, elongation and a more rubbery feel than NickelPlast-Lite.
* The Application of NickelPlast in Fabricating a PTB Insert, Kays G, Scott G. Orthotics and Prosthetics, Spring 1984, 38(1), 71-72.
NickelPlast™ is a high-strength expanded orthotic
material of outstanding uniformity and superior working characteristics.
Higher strength comes from the judicious alloying of ethylene vinyl
acetate and polyethylene.
NickelPlast is tough and tear resistant. It resists bottoming out and
offers a resilient and rubbery quality not found in the simpler,
cross-linked, polyethylene materials like AliPlast and Plastazote®.
Choose from three grades: NickelPlast-Lite™, NickelPlast-S™, and
NickelPlast™ X-Firm. Noted for their superb shock-absorbing qualities,
all are engineered to withstand pounding and abuse. X-Firm is so tough,
you can use it in footwear as an insole.
NickelPlast is easy to work with. Heated from 300° to 350°F for a few
minutes, it becomes soft and easily yields to complex molding and
shaping. NickelPlast shrinks about 15% when thoroughly heated. Upon
cooling, it hardens approximately five Shore A points. Having three
different grades of NickelPlast is like having six different materials
in your tool box.
Use NickelPlast where long wear, resilience and easy fabrication are
necessary. PTB liners, insoles, and foot orthotic postings are just a
few possible applications.